We provide three choices

  • 1

    Option #1 ($1.50 per policy) – We can move your customers and policy data

  • 2

    Option #2 ($3.00 per customer/household) – We will audit your existing customers in AgencyZoom to provide a clean-up of data.

We will move the entire household, including all contacts and all policy data. We do NOT move notes or rating info. (example: VIN, Home Specs…etc)

Our staff is already background-checked with Farmers and has a login. You must add them as a team member to your agency. This ensures we follow password and security procedures.

When they are ready to start your order, a rep will contact you with their login credentials to get set up as a nonlicensed staff member in your agency. Once they have their login and code for your agency, your assigned contractor will pull your BOB report from ECMS and APEX and enter your clients into AgencyZoom.

We can also provide data transfer for Kraft Lake and other outside carriers. If we aren’t familiar with your carrier, you may need to provide some guidance to your rep.

Having your clients in AgencyZoom will allow you to easily create cross-sell campaigns, send retention and holiday campaigns to your clients, and create service tickets to manage your service work and renewals.

Disclosure: Farmers’ clients are the property of Farmers. To stay compliant if you leave Farmers, delete all client data from your AgencyZoom account.